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Fetch ASGS geometries for the Indigenous Areas (IAREs) geography.


  identifier = NULL,
  edition = NULL,
  reference_date = NULL,
  layer = c("gen", "full", "point"),
  where = NULL,
  filter_geom = NULL,
  predicate = c("intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", "within"),
  cache = getOption("ozgs.cache"),



An optional character vector of named features to download from the specified geography. For most ASGS geographies, these are human-friendly names like e.g. "Tasmania" (a feature within the STE geography), "Sydney" (a feature within the LGA geography) or "2150" (a feature within the POA geography). If specified, identifier takes precedence over where. If neither identifier nor where are specified, all of the features in the specified geography will be downloaded.


An ASGS edition: 1, 2, or 3.


The geography's year of release. For most geographies, reference_year is optional and specifying an edition will be sufficient. However, for LGAs, CEDs and SEDs, the ASGS contains multiple releases per edition. For these geographies, a reference_date must be supplied to uniquely identify a release.


One of:

  • "gen", the default. Fetches simplified geometries that have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m.

  • "full", full ASGS geometries. Identical to ASGS Shapefile and Geopackage downloads.

  • "point", point geometries for each records in a geography.


An optional SQL WHERE clause to filter the features returned by the request. Ignored if identifier is specified.


An optional sf::sfc or single sf geometry to filter the records returned by the request.


An optional spatial predicate to specify the relation between filter_geom and geography. One of "intersects", "contains", "crosses", "overlaps", "touches", and "within".


A cachem-compatible cache. If not otherwise specified, defaults to a memory cache. To persistently store downloaded ASGS geometries and data, supply an object created by cachem::cache_disk().


Additional arguments passed to arcgislayers::arc_read().


Indigenous Areas are medium sized geographic areas built from whole Indigenous Locations. They are designed for the release and analysis of more detailed statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Changes to Indigenous Areas are determined through consultation with the Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics based on statistical and community requirements. Whole Indigenous Areas aggregate to form Indigenous Regions. Further information about these regions can be found in the following publication: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3


The following combinations of ASGS edition and reference_date are available:
